New blog link

So as I told you all, I have decided to migrate over to another blog platform. Here is the link to go to follow me. When you go there and follow I will follow you back on there so I don’t miss any of your wonderful post.

Attention Followers

I will be switching over to a new platform in the next week or so. If you would like to continue following me, i will post a link soon.

New daily deal!


Catch this daily deal before its gone. Beautiful earrings with designer style on sale.

New App is out for the kids


Been looking for a new app for your Ipad or IPhone for your lil one? Well #cosmocamp is the app for you! It’s perfect for auditory awareness plus creativity. Your child gets to make his on orchestra and play along with them. So many instruments to choose from and so much fun! Catch it now while it is at very dirt cheap rate. CosmoCamp: Music is available now on the App Store,, with an initial launch price of $1.99

Wednesday wow deals!


I just received notice in my email today that bath and body works is having a awesome sale! 5 for 5 dollars on hand sanitizers plus sales on candles. So what are you waiting for? Get your beautiful selves on over and check it out.  Use the code luvpumpkin to get 1 dollar shipping on orders 25 dollars and up!

How exciting today was

I finally got accepted into the National Consumer Panel and received my scanner today! I highly recommend you go check out the site. They are constantly expanding their areas. You receive a scanner to scan all items you purchase, even down to a cup of coffee from dunkin donuts or hey even starbucks! Every time you scan a item and send it in you are earning rewards to be cashed in for awesome things!


As far as my kids, they are doing awesome in school! Hope of course she is doing way better in math. Now they on to spelling test. She is doing really well with that. Meghan (my daughter with adhd/odd) is even doing better also! She has had a smiley face in her planner every day. I am so proud of her. I was really concerned that this was going to be another bad year for her. But I did what her pediatrician suggested. He told me to just express my concerns with her teacher before hand. He also said that if something happens that she still isn’t any better then we will start her on meds. But so far so good! I believe the teacher she has is doing great with her. I recommend that every parent should talk to the teachers and express their feelings and concerns. Don’t worry, that is what the teachers are there for.


Frownies pH Balancing Complexion Wash review


Through Swaggable I got the opportunity to try out Frownies pH balancing complexion wash for free! At first I was I was a little unsure about it. Due to the fact I had never heard of this company. But hey, it’s free I can’t complain. Who doesn’t like free? I finally got it in the mail a few days ago and tried it out. You only need just a tiny amount into your hand to work into a lather to wash your face, neck and chest. It has a very very pleasant smell to it. Unlike most facial washes. Plus, it really did make my face feel amazing afterwards! No dry itchy feeling, just utterly smooth clean feeling. Even the next day after I was still feeling a nice smooth feeling to my face.

Here are the facts about this product:

1. It is a natural facial cleanser

2. It helps to prevent future breakouts

3. Exfoliation that is done daily and gently can support wrinkle free skin

4. Gentle on the skin

Just unwinding for the night….

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Mine was nothing to really brag about. But hey that’s ok, some days are going to be better then others. Sunday was spent at home til that evening. We decided to go to a family members house and go swimming. I had a pretty decent time, spending it with family I haven’t seen for some time. It lifted my spirits.

It seems my life has been in a rut for the past few months. Especially this past month. I would go into further detail but who knows what might arise from that. I will say that it has sent me back into that downward spiral. I try to stay in good thoughts though, because if you believe in the positive then it will be positive. Am I correct? If I am wrong then please feel free to correct me.

I am in the process of finishing a book that is pretty catchy in some ways. When I finish it I will post a review about it. If you are the type that likes “Fifty shades of Grey” , then you may like this book. I stumbled a crossed it in amazon, so I downloaded it. Books have always been something of a hobby of mine. Ever since I learned how to read, I have had a book glued to my face. My mother will agree on that too. If it has a great story line, I will draw myself into that book. It’s as if I was in the book myself.

So what is going on in my readers lives? Any good reads? Foods? I am always up for suggestions.20140831_184947[1]

Another thing I’m sick of: blaming fat women for our lack of clothing options

I love this girl, she is to the point

Tutus And Tiny Hats

rack of floofy betsey johnson dresses Give me the pretties, pleeeeease.

While I’m on a roll of ranting about things that piss me off, here’s another one: the recent trend of blaming the lack of plus size clothing options on the supposed buying habits of plus size customers. This piece in TIME, and this one on Fashionista are two examples, and they make me so viscerally angry that it’s hard to respond articulately–but I’ll try.

“[R]eal change for plus-size fashion will come when customers make more conscious purchasing decisions,” claims the TIME piece. Hahahahaha, no. Real change will come when companies realize that fat women are people and start making clothes in our size. It’s kind of ridiculous to insist that fat women’s shopping choices must be the issue, when our whole problem is that we don’t have enough options to choose from in the first place.

In the Fashionista article, a blogger named…

View original post 757 more words

Sunday sweet deals!


                     Lolly Wolly Doodle

So i received a email telling me of the latest deals for a cute company that sells children’s clothing. They have mystery grab bags and more. With it nearing the end of summer they have bathing suits on sale. Now is the time to stock up on that swimwear for next year. Check out those grab bags too!


A great site


I am an author/poet who lives to write. The Lord has given me a gift , I must use it.


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