Blog Archives

New blog link

So as I told you all, I have decided to migrate over to another blog platform. Here is the link to go to follow me. When you go there and follow I will follow you back on there so I don’t miss any of your wonderful post.

New App is out for the kids


Been looking for a new app for your Ipad or IPhone for your lil one? Well #cosmocamp is the app for you! It’s perfect for auditory awareness plus creativity. Your child gets to make his on orchestra and play along with them. So many instruments to choose from and so much fun! Catch it now while it is at very dirt cheap rate. CosmoCamp: Music is available now on the App Store,, with an initial launch price of $1.99

How exciting today was

I finally got accepted into the National Consumer Panel and received my scanner today! I highly recommend you go check out the site. They are constantly expanding their areas. You receive a scanner to scan all items you purchase, even down to a cup of coffee from dunkin donuts or hey even starbucks! Every time you scan a item and send it in you are earning rewards to be cashed in for awesome things!


As far as my kids, they are doing awesome in school! Hope of course she is doing way better in math. Now they on to spelling test. She is doing really well with that. Meghan (my daughter with adhd/odd) is even doing better also! She has had a smiley face in her planner every day. I am so proud of her. I was really concerned that this was going to be another bad year for her. But I did what her pediatrician suggested. He told me to just express my concerns with her teacher before hand. He also said that if something happens that she still isn’t any better then we will start her on meds. But so far so good! I believe the teacher she has is doing great with her. I recommend that every parent should talk to the teachers and express their feelings and concerns. Don’t worry, that is what the teachers are there for.


Just unwinding for the night….

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Mine was nothing to really brag about. But hey that’s ok, some days are going to be better then others. Sunday was spent at home til that evening. We decided to go to a family members house and go swimming. I had a pretty decent time, spending it with family I haven’t seen for some time. It lifted my spirits.

It seems my life has been in a rut for the past few months. Especially this past month. I would go into further detail but who knows what might arise from that. I will say that it has sent me back into that downward spiral. I try to stay in good thoughts though, because if you believe in the positive then it will be positive. Am I correct? If I am wrong then please feel free to correct me.

I am in the process of finishing a book that is pretty catchy in some ways. When I finish it I will post a review about it. If you are the type that likes “Fifty shades of Grey” , then you may like this book. I stumbled a crossed it in amazon, so I downloaded it. Books have always been something of a hobby of mine. Ever since I learned how to read, I have had a book glued to my face. My mother will agree on that too. If it has a great story line, I will draw myself into that book. It’s as if I was in the book myself.

So what is going on in my readers lives? Any good reads? Foods? I am always up for suggestions.20140831_184947[1]

School is back in session and I’m being lazy…..

Yes I know it has been quite some time since I have last posted. It seems to be a reoccurrence with me. Hopefully I wont make it a habit. So anyways it has been the usual. You know the usual meaning school shopping, work and so forth. Well now it will be just school and no work… Yes I said that right no work. Unfortunately I had to resign do to some personal issues and because of availability too. But it will be ok, some times things happen.

So school is back in session. That means finally I can have some peace and quiet. Oh wait nope, my adorable 2 year old is here. But still it is some what calmer. My daughter with ADHD/ODD seems to be doing quite good so far. I had a nice talk with her teacher before hand. So that way she isn’t left in the dark. Also so she doesn’t think something god awful lol. My oldest daughter is taking to 2nd grade like a duck to water. I never really have to worry about her. 

What about you all? How are your children handling the change back to school? Did you have a tremendous school supply list you had to get? Please do tell!  

New app review!


I was given another app to review on my android. It is called “Heroes of the City baby app”. Specifically designed for infants to toddlers. Has several short movies for your child to watch along with fun games. No purchase required!  Everything in the app is free.

I tested the app myself and I found it to be very colorful, engaging and fun. Easy to navigate through it. My 18 month old daughter loved it. Although it was still a little confusing for her, she enjoyed the colors and the sounds. Definitely kept her attention.

Youtube link :

App Store:

Google Play:



Not sure how this day is going to be.

My husband and I finally decided it was time to move “K” into her sisters room. We were a little hesitant, because of “M” and her hyper ness. So far things have been going well up until today. I get up and get my oldest daughter ready for school and leave to take her, only to return with husband at the door looking pretty angry. “M” was jumping up and down on the side of the crib singing with “K” in it.

Just not really sure how this day is going to pan out. Fingers crossed it gets better. On the plus side, we are taking the family to the zoo in a couple weeks.

Interesting day in my house

Normally I like to do a Tuesday Tip post, but I changed my mind. Today has been a pretty decent day. Not one person in my house can say otherwise.
Which is pretty good.

This morning started off with my oldest daughter going to school. Came home to fix breakfast for everyone, then get ready to head back out again. Next stop on the agenda was to Huntersville for a follow up on middle daughter’s sleep study. He said everything was fine other then the fact she has a form of apnea for kids. She snores, which then wakes her up and keeps her from following going into dream step. This is causing her to be sleepy and irritable throughout the day. So know he wants us to see a ear, nose and throat doctor to see if she needs to get her tonsils taken out so she has a more open airway. He feels if she sleeps better that it will keep some of her adhd issues in check.

Rest of the evening was fine other then trying to fix supper in the middle of a war. There was nerf darts zipping past my head and butt constantly. So now its bed time for me seeings that I have to be at work at 4am.

Yikes, it’s a monday


I have never been the one for Mondays. Mondays for mom’s is like gearing up for the super bowl or preparing for war. No joke it is that serious. You have all weekend to have fun and be care free but as Sunday arrives, reality sets in. You then realize school starts back up, which means time to organize and get things ready for the week. Especially if your a working mother.

So, my avid readers. Tell me about your Mondays.  What kind of chaos does your day have? The person that has the best Monday story will have it posted on my blog and a link to their blog. Happy writing!!

Tuesday tips!


It’s that time again for some fabulous tips. This one is very important for mind, body and soul. It may be aimed at moms but i believe anyone can use these. It is called stress. Everyone at some point will deal with it.

I found a website with some helpful ideas on how to relax. Hope they help you.

relax and calm down


A great site


I am an author/poet who lives to write. The Lord has given me a gift , I must use it.


Random Observations of life

This Beautifully Imperfect Life

My life as a mom with 5 young children is beautifully imperfect

Susan Nye - Around the Table

Tales & Recipes Shared Around My Table

Online Baby Hazel Games

Online Baby Games


A great site

The Brown Eyed Girl

Eat. Pray. Write. A blog on writing, food, inspiration and life.