Blog Archives

New blog link

So as I told you all, I have decided to migrate over to another blog platform. Here is the link to go to follow me. When you go there and follow I will follow you back on there so I don’t miss any of your wonderful post.

Just unwinding for the night….

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Mine was nothing to really brag about. But hey that’s ok, some days are going to be better then others. Sunday was spent at home til that evening. We decided to go to a family members house and go swimming. I had a pretty decent time, spending it with family I haven’t seen for some time. It lifted my spirits.

It seems my life has been in a rut for the past few months. Especially this past month. I would go into further detail but who knows what might arise from that. I will say that it has sent me back into that downward spiral. I try to stay in good thoughts though, because if you believe in the positive then it will be positive. Am I correct? If I am wrong then please feel free to correct me.

I am in the process of finishing a book that is pretty catchy in some ways. When I finish it I will post a review about it. If you are the type that likes “Fifty shades of Grey” , then you may like this book. I stumbled a crossed it in amazon, so I downloaded it. Books have always been something of a hobby of mine. Ever since I learned how to read, I have had a book glued to my face. My mother will agree on that too. If it has a great story line, I will draw myself into that book. It’s as if I was in the book myself.

So what is going on in my readers lives? Any good reads? Foods? I am always up for suggestions.20140831_184947[1]

Interesting day in my house

Normally I like to do a Tuesday Tip post, but I changed my mind. Today has been a pretty decent day. Not one person in my house can say otherwise.
Which is pretty good.

This morning started off with my oldest daughter going to school. Came home to fix breakfast for everyone, then get ready to head back out again. Next stop on the agenda was to Huntersville for a follow up on middle daughter’s sleep study. He said everything was fine other then the fact she has a form of apnea for kids. She snores, which then wakes her up and keeps her from following going into dream step. This is causing her to be sleepy and irritable throughout the day. So know he wants us to see a ear, nose and throat doctor to see if she needs to get her tonsils taken out so she has a more open airway. He feels if she sleeps better that it will keep some of her adhd issues in check.

Rest of the evening was fine other then trying to fix supper in the middle of a war. There was nerf darts zipping past my head and butt constantly. So now its bed time for me seeings that I have to be at work at 4am.

Gear up for easter!

No waste Wednesday


Ever wonder what your going to do with all those glass baby food jar? Well i found a awesome website that gives you ideas to do with them.

Tuesday tips!


It’s that time again for some fabulous tips. This one is very important for mind, body and soul. It may be aimed at moms but i believe anyone can use these. It is called stress. Everyone at some point will deal with it.

I found a website with some helpful ideas on how to relax. Hope they help you.

relax and calm down

Winner will be announced tonight!

Sweepstakes is over, winner will be notified tonight!!!

A not so good weekend


First I would like to remind everyone to enter into the sweepstakes that I have posted on my page. You have a chance to win a Heroes of the City gift box. Which includes a large story book, two die cast cars, and a movie. This would make a great gift for any child. So you will have to click on the link that says raffle copter and go to the webpage in order to enter the giveaway.

Second last night my grandmother passed away. She was my last living grandparent. I’m hurt beyond words. I miss her so much. But atleast I know she is in a better place with no more suffering.

<a href="a Rafflecopter giveaway” title=”Heroes of the City Sweepstakes” target=”_blank”>

Good News

From the beginning I have been wanting to do product reviews and other things for this blog. It has been a slow process but it has finally came into play now. I hate that I have not updated in awhile but things have changed now. I have a laptop so things will be a lot easier then using my phone. So here is the run down of what you will see in the upcoming posts. There will be a giveaway from a well known toy company and plus there is product reviews that I need to get posted on here.


These past fews days for me have been really good. Im just so happy that I can get new and exciting post for all of my followers.

I’m still here

Sorry to all of my followers for not posting here lately. Just been busy with my family due to sickness and death and work. But I’m sure all of you will understand because we all have lives beyond the digitally world. Just know that I will be posting again tonight or tomorrow.

The next post will be my product review on a razor I just recently got to try. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and try to stay warm.


A great site


I am an author/poet who lives to write. The Lord has given me a gift , I must use it.


Random Observations of life

This Beautifully Imperfect Life

My life as a mom with 5 young children is beautifully imperfect

Susan Nye - Around the Table

Tales & Recipes Shared Around My Table

Online Baby Hazel Games

Online Baby Games


A great site

The Brown Eyed Girl

Eat. Pray. Write. A blog on writing, food, inspiration and life.